The First Sea.Hear.Now Festival — Music and Art at the Shore
The first Sea.Hear.Now Festival was held in Asbury Park, NJ, on September 29 and 30, 2018. This two-day music and art event, with surfing added to the festival mix, was put together by Jersey Shore natives Danny Clinch and Tim Donnelly and boasted 28 music acts and 20 surfing professionals.

Jack Johnson / photo by Chris Capaci / courtesy of Fresh Clean Media
The multi-talented Clinch might have been as recognizable as some of his subjects (such as the Jersey Shore’s own Bruce Springsteen), but has made his mark thus far from behind the lens, in still photography, film and now as a concert promoter.

Blondie / © photo by Charles Reagan Hackleman / courtesy of Fresh Clean Media
There were three stages, two on the beach named (appropriately) Surf and Sand, and one in Bradley Park named (you guessed it!) Park. There were always two bands vying with each other on the Park and Sand Stages, while the Surf Stage featured acts such as Blondie, Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals, Milky Chance, Brandi Carlile and closing acts Incubus and Jack Johnson.

Incubus / photo by Chris Capaci / courtesy of Fresh Clean Media
Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls on the Sand Stage had great energy, as Turner went crowd surfing during their stage time. Ben Harper opened his set by covering Bruce Springsteen’s “Atlantic City,” while his radio-friendly hits “Diamonds On The Inside” and “Truth” were crowd pleasers.
The Original Wailers covered various songs, most of them familiar to the crowd who were fans of Bob Marley and The Wailers. It was an uplifting set that included a segue from “Don’t Worry Be Happy” into “Legalize It” and a mix of “Three Little Birds.”

Nicole Atkins/ photo by Michael Kravetsky/ courtesy of Fresh Clean Media
Nicole Atkins, who grew up next door in Neptune, NJ, didn’t spend much of her way-too-short set time talking to the crowd. She launched right into “Good Night Rhonda Lee,” the title track of her latest album, along with “A Little Crazy” and “A Night of Serious Drinking.”

Bruce Springsteen and Social Distortion / ©photo by Charles Reagan Hackleman /courtesy of Fresh Clean Media
The highlight of the weekend for most Festival goers was when Bruce Springsteen joined Social Distortion for a powerful three-song set, which included a cover of Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire.”
After two days in the sun, there was still a very stoked crowd on Sunday night to enjoy Jack Johnson wrapping up a stellar day of music, art and surf. It was the perfect ending to a festival on the beach. I will be on the lookout for more surfing musicians to add to the line up next year!