Lee Fields : A Faithful Portrait of a Soul Music Icon

November 10, 2022 by

Lee Fields is a soul, R&B, and funk legend with a voice of gold. From the beginning of his career in 1969, Fields has been highlighted in the industry through his own works as well as through his collaborations with artists such as Kool and the Gang, B.B. King and many others.

Lee Fields at NLK Studios/photo courtesy of CourTney Collins/Nonlinear Lining

Lee Fields Sings at NLK Studios/photo courtesy of CourTney Collins /Nonlinear Lining

For years, Fields’ story has been one of inspiration, but one that has been overlooked all the same. But now, two Brooklyn filmmakers are bringing the brother of soul to the big screen.

Lee Fields at Bowery Ballroom / photo courtesy of the producers

Lee Fields at Bowery Ballroom/ photo courtesy of the producers

Jessamyn Ansary and Joyce Mishaan have both taken on the roles of director and producer on “Lee Fields: Faithful Man,” an independent film highlighting the esteemed musician.

Inspiration for the film first sparked when Ansary viewed Fields’ music video for “Faithful Man” and insisted that his story be shared with the world. So Ansary and Mishaan set about finding the best ways to put this immaculate story together.

Lee Fields at NLK Studios/ photo courtesy of the producers

In Front of the Camera at NLK Studios / photo courtesy of the producers

“We filmed him singing in his garage studio – but it might as well have been Madison Square Garden,” Ansary and Mishaan tell us about their first day of filming. “Lee brings an energy and an intensity to absolutely every single performance, and this day was no different. We experienced what we later came to call, ‘the power of Lee’ – that dynamic draw that nearly everyone gets when first in his company. It’s the feeling of being in the presence of a legend.”

Stuck on just highlighting Fields’ past and discography due to the accidental loss of personal photos, Ansary and Mishaan decided to shadow Fields at work. Watching him on tour and in the studio creating his albums Emma Jean and Special Night, the filmmakers decided the best way to capture the full story was to film cinematic recreations of what they label “the most poignant memories in his musical evolution.”

After much filming following a successful 2018 crowdfunding campaign, COVID-19 pandemic struck, which proved to be a blessing in disguise.

Lee Fields Backstage in 2013/ photo courtesy of the producers

Lee Fields Backstage in 2013/ photo courtesy of the producers

“It allowed us to continue refining [and] shaping the story from the confines of our locked-down Brooklyn apartments,” they tell Brooklyn Roads. “During that time, the storytelling evolved into what you now see in the film, with Lee taking us back through his memories.”

The film had its world premiere at the Charlotte Film festival on October 1, 2022, where it won the audience award for best documentary feature. It will have its New York premiere on November 14.

One thing Ansary and Mishaan hope audiences will take away  from the documentary is the theme of persistence against social inequality. A large part of Fields’ story is his upbringing at the height of Jim Crow and racial segregation in North Carolina, where he grew up.

“We hope the film’s message of perseverance in pursuing one’s dreams and of defining success on one’s own terms resonates with audiences and allows others to draw inspiration from Lee’s story,” they tell us. 

To find screenings of “Lee Fields: Faithful Man,” visit https://www.leefieldsfilm.com/screenings.