Jessi Robertson: A Voice for the Vulnerable

April 5, 2024 by

Jessi Robertson is a powerhouse voice that captivates you from the first note. In a world where music is often a safe place for personal expression, she stands out as a compelling voice for the vulnerable. With her vivid lyrics and haunting melodies, her over 15-year career as a musician has carved a way for herself in the folk and Americana music scene, captivating audiences with her raw honesty and emotional depth.

Jessi Robertson _photo by Wolfhart Creative Photography

Jessi Robertson /photo by Wolfhart Creative Photography

Born in a small town in upstate New York, Robertson’s journey into music began at an early age. Robertson moved to Brooklyn in 2003, as she honed her craft, recognizing its ability to speak directly to the human experience with authenticity and sincerity.

Once in BK, she released her debut album, “Small Town Girls,” in 2010, which gained much traction for its lyrics and soul-stirring melodies. Following this came her 2014 release “I Came From The War.”

Throughout her career, Robertson has fearlessly tackled themes ranging from love and loss to social justice and mental health. Her most recent release, “Memory and Abandoned Parts (15-Year Anniversary Edition of Who We Are, What We Have Done)” is a re-release of her original 2008 album. She continues to push the boundaries of her artistry, as the release explores the complexities of the human condition.

Jessi Robertson On Guitar_ photo by Peter Salvato

Jessi Robertson On Guitar/photo by Peter Salvato

Robertson’s impact extends beyond the recording studio. Recognizing the power of music to effect change, she uses her platform to advocate for issues close to her heart. Whether performing at charity events or speaking out on social media, Robertson is committed to using her art as a force for good.

Through her music, Robertson invites listeners to confront the complexities of the human experience with empathy and compassion, reminding us of the power of art to bridge divides and inspire change. As she continues to evolve as an artist and an advocate, one thing remains certain: Jessi Robertson’s voice will echo in the hearts and minds of listeners for years to come, leaving an indelible mark on the musical landscape.